Friday, September 28, 2007

Miss you guys

Dear fellow padwans,

It's really been too long, and I'm sorry for not staying in touch. I was caught in the tight grip of the dark side...

It's Friday afternoon, and I'm procrastinating as always (who wouldn't), and I discovered the email (dated somewhere in February) about the palaeoblog. I've been reading all the posts, and thought it is about time I let hear from myself.

You probably all heard I live in 'gemütliches' Bonn now, studying dinosaur bone tissue, and now I can add that my koenosaur (you know, the gliding lizards) paper has been accepted in Palaeontology. Yipeekayay! I have been working my ass off on that one.

Now I can concentrate on cutting up dinosaur bone and grinding it into thin sections. As a matter of fact, I'll be going to SVP in Texas in October to do some more sampling. It would be fab if I could meet any of you guys there. Ben gave away my intention to visit MCZ at Harvard. That wil unfortunately not go trough as they are currently reorganising (new staff) and could not tell me anything better than 'The stuff you are looking for is in South America.' Guess I'll have to go to South America then...
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be going to Palass this year, as it is turning out a bit expensive (nothing to present, i.e. pay it myself).

Great, the afternoon has turned into an evening, I can go home now... I promise I'll be checking the forum more often from now on (and posting stuff too).

I wish you all the best,


Friday, September 21, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

About time I hear you cry?

Hello ladies and gents and Emma's bag thing

There's been an awful lot of talk of me and those oranges as well as that picture, but it was a split second moment of madness in a year of, well, utter madness. Such a famous moment is a bit of a double-edged sword really. Funny? Maybe, Embarassing? Very (I was borderline crazy at the time with masters work. I'm sure you can appreciate that). Anyway, since this is my first blog on this thing in almost a year (or maybe over a year?) of its existence, it is surely about time I wrote something down!

So Palass is coming up and who's going? Ceri and me are registered, but it would be nice to see some of your pretty faces there too! Here's a link to some Swedish phrases to learn just so the trip goes smoothly:

My personal favourites are:

jävla idioter - damn fools


Jag är snyggare naken - I'm better-looking naked


...och det spelar ingen roll ändå om hon ser ganska tjock ut, eller hur? - and it doesn't matter anyway if she looks fat, does it?

but I'm not sure how much these will be needed! Take a look anyway.

Miss you all loads. Take care peeps!
